Dance Leesons and More!

Dance Lessons and More!

So you have been thinking about taking some dance lessons. That's great. If you're like me you have no idea of what to expect the first time you go. Well, let me make it simple for you: like most people you will feel awkward and lost in the first 1-2 lessons. After a few weeks you'll begin to pick it up.

It's not easy to learn how to dance in one session. Maybe if you spend 12 hours your first time you'll get it together, but you'll be absolutely exhausted and worn out by the end of that 12 hours. Marathon dancing requires that you be in good physical condition, so just relax and take it one week at a time.

A good dance instructor knows that your body is not ready to get out on the dance floor and start swinging away. If you take dance lessons about once a week, depending on your physical condition and past experience, you may be ready to hit the night clubs in 4 to 6 months. And many people need that long just to get up the nerve to do it.

Taking dance lessons with a class is a great way to become comfortable dancing around other people. They will learn with you and become about as proficient as you are. And don't feel bad if some of your fellow students drop out. That happens. Sometimes they just don't feel comfortable in the setting. Sometimes life interrupts their plans to go dancing.

If you're a man learning to dance for the first time it might be a good idea to take the beginner class two times in a row. You'll want to practice leading your partner as much as possible. If you're in a relationship and your wife or girlfriend wants to take dance lessons, too, think about surprising her by taking the class for a month and then bringing her in.

It's rough on the guys at first because they not only have to learn the steps for the dance, they have to learn how to lead. Many women just take the lead because they pick it up faster. They settle for that beacuse they want to dance, but guys once you learn how to be her firm but gentle guide on the dance floor her eyes will light up.

You don't need to wear any special clothing for dance lessons. Blue jeans and a comfortable shirt are fine. You WILL work up a sweat so it may be a good idea to bring a small bag with a bottle of water and a towel to dry off.

The best kind of shoes for dancing have leather soles or soft velvet pads. Guys, do NOT get your shoes reinforced. You need to keep them flexible for dancing. Rubber-sould shoes are not very good for dancing.

If you want to practice outside of class, a good exercise is to hold your arms out for 10-15 minutes at a time. One of the most fatiguing parts of dancing is keeping your arms elevated, so practicing with your arms raised is important.

Don't be emmbarrassed about how long it takes to dance. You'll have many years to enjoy this wonderful skill and the company of other people who love to dance!

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